Tuesday 12 June 2012

Picture update

I took some pictures on Friday 8th of June, a week on from when I had my braces fitted and I'm really impressed by how quickly my teeth are moving. I've noticed that my top teeth are staring to straighten out, my little snaggle tooth is slowly disappearing, its been pulled down to meet my other front tooth in length, and the bottom tooth that snaggle tooth met has also been brought forward a bit so it isn't leaning as far back in my mouth any more. I need to take some better pictures really and I will, I promise!

1 week in braces
1 week in braces
1 week in braces


  1. Can definitely tell the difference already and liked your comment re:being lipstick with braces woman...you truly are! well done you for making orthognathic surgery a fashion statement! xx

    1. Hahaha, thank you lovely. I've got the red lipstick on again today, might go the extra mile and add some lip gloss tomorrow! xxx
